Copper Mountain Loop: Prescott National Forest – Camp Verde, AZ ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Click for the latest Camp Verde weather forecast.

Cacti, Daisies, Mariposa Lilies

Cacti, Daisies, Mariposa Lilies

4/27/2023: This was a very nice trail, at least at this time of year. Mariposa lilies, paintbrush, daisies, cacti, and other flowers blooming. Waterfall at this time of year is very pretty. A very easy hike and a lot of bang for the energy output.

Marg’s Notes: Lazy Marg! As of this writing, she has not written in the calendar, where she keeps her notes.

Lunch/Dinner at Colt Grill in Old Town Cottonwood.

Mariposa Lilies

Mariposa Lilies

Rod’s Ramblings from the Trail: Starting about 8:20 in the morning. Temperatures about 60°. Elevation is just over 3,200 ft.

We are going to do the hike clockwise. There's a nice parking lot, picnic tables, potty, and stuff.
Even barbecue grills

We ran into a man named Norman Kent. He took about 20 minutes to give us a rundown of the area and which way to hike and all kinds of stuff. Gave us a history of the area and the fact that this was one of the oldest salt mines around here. He was a nice older man.

We started seeing flowers within the first quarter of a mile, especially the Mariposa Lilly. And there's another little white flower with white clumpy flowers that I haven't figured out what it is. Could be another Lily.

Maybe 3/4 of a mile in we have yet to see anyone on the trail. And we decided because Norman told us to, to go counter clockwise. That way we get the steep section over with first. It's not very steep though.

We ran into a blooming yucca.

After just over a mile, you top a little rise going counterclockwise and bingo you hear the freeway. It really isn't too bad. I was afraid we would hear it most of the hike, but it only lasted a short while.

Marguerite said that this is a nice walk. I have to agree. Have seen no one on the trail, it is cool, and quite peaceful.

On this trip around Scottsdale and area, we have seen a lot of bunny rabbits. I just took a picture of one and I don't know why I did, because I have taken a million pictures of rabbits.

The pair cactus are not yet in bloom. But the little lower lying ones are. The red ones and I don't know what their names are.

All of that Mariposa lilies are near the end of the loop. If you go clockwise, you will run into the fields of mariposa lilies sooner

That fields of lilies, cacti, daisies, and other flowers are absolutely gorgeous

The stream is still flowing, and it is quite beautiful. We're going up to see if we can find the waterfall. Cross the stream and take the trail to the right and parallel the creek.



Because of the variety of things you will see on this trail. A waterfall, a creek, lots of flowers, and some nice views, I really do have to give this five stars.

We have seen one other person on the trail. She passed us riding her bike and her dog was a very sweet. Then we met up with them again at the waterfall. They left when we got there. Other than that, we have seen no one else (except for Norman).

Finished the hike just after 11:00. Very easy hike. 4.33 mi total. Would do it again during flower season.